F-106 Delta Dart

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F-106 Delta Dart
F-106 Delta Dart.png
General Info
RoleMedium Fighter
Hangar level6
TraitsTrait-cruising-altitude.png cruising altitude
Trait-delta-wing.png delta wing
Base Stats
Top speed1450 km/h
Acceleration40 m/s²
Turn rate33 °/s
Ideal turning speed630 km/h
Afterburner fuel15 s

A 60s era delta-wing Medium Fighter. Its Nuclear Rocket is a Special Ability. The Special Ability slot unlocks at Level 8.

— In-game description

The F-106 Delta Dart is a medium fighter from the 1960s era. It excels in speed and its ability to send damage to opponents with its medium range missiles, and massively powerful nuclear rocket. While it can go fast and exude punishing damage, it lacks maneuverability, and is equipped with a low performing assault cannon. The F-106 Delta Dart has a long lasting afterburner, and a special higher cruising altitude where its engine becomes more efficient and provides more speed with less fuel consumption. Pilots skilled to utilize its higher cruising altitude trait, can find a look-down/shoot-down tactic can be advantageous. In a pinch it's delta wing can increase maneuverability while braking, however it depletes energy and speed quickly. It is best to avoid sustained dog fighting.


The F-106 Delta Dart is equipped mid-range Missile medium range icon.png Manual icon.png ×4 manual missile, and a short range Cannon assault internal icon.png Cannon assault icon.png internal assault cannon with a wider cannon round spread. The F-106 Delta Dart is also equipped with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon assault icon.png Assault cannon 154 0.3 0.8 1.3 medium 6.8 none

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Manual icon.png Manual missile Medium range 5.0 4 85 4680 15 7 0.8
Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Blast Radius


Rate of Fire


Unguided icon.png Nuclear rocket 1.5 1 300 3312 40 4.0

Special Ability

The F-106 Delta Dart has a special ability called Special F-106 crafted.png Nuclear Launch. When equipped and fired, it launches one unguided Rocket large icon.png Unguided icon.png nuclear rocket equipped with a nuclear warhead. It is tricky to aim, however the Nuclear Rocket detonates by means of a proximity fuse, so a direct hit is not required. The Nuclear Rocket is the single strongest weapon in the arsenal. When it detonates, it produces a loud explosion and blast cloud that is immediately noticeable to all pilots in the sky. The Nuclear Rocket has a charge time. It takes time for the Nuclear Rocket to be deployable. Dealing damage to an opponent or receiving damage from an opponent increases or reduces the charge time.

Veteran tips

The F-106 Delta Dart's speed, strong afterburner, and cruising altitude are its greatest asset. It can gain altitude and speed quickly. It goes fast, and it wants to stay fast. Keep it fast. Its speed makes it an asset in Air Superiority. It is best used within its cruising altitude envelope at high altitude, stand off distance engagements. With equipped 4 medium range missiles, a look-down/shoot-down tactic is most advantageous. Its internal cannon can only fire short distances and the cannon round spread is wide. Braking will trigger its delta wing trait where it can turn tighter. Its optimal turning speed window is very short. It is easy to deplete energy and speed while maintaining a dog fight. It takes time to recover energy and speed. This, in conjunction with poor cannon performance, it is best to avoid dog fighting. The Nuclear Rocket special ability is very strong. However it takes time to charge, and it is challenging to aim. It is best to aim the Nuclear Rocket at head-on or from the rear shooting scenarios. Engaging from the side is not ideal, as the rocket has a considerable travel time and difficult to hit with when an opponent is moving fast side to side and maneuvering. When the (Nuclear Rocket equipped) F-106 Delta Dart enters the skies, its charge time clock is on zero. Any damage dealt to an opponent or taken from an opponent takes time off the charge clock. If a pilot is to expend all missiles, any internal cannon round hit to an opponent, chips away time from the charge clock.


In-game, the F-106 Delta Dart appears to be equipped what appears to be the Douglas AIR-2 Genie unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt W25 nuclear warhead. It was intended to be fired into a formation of bombers, detonate, and subsequently destroy the entire formation. It was deployed by the United States Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, and Royal Canadian Air Command. It was live tested only one time under the Plumbbob John nuclear test, on 19 July 1957. Fired from a US Air Force F-89J over Yucca Flats, Nevada Test Site at an altitude of 4.5 km (15,000 ft). While in service with the U.S. Air Force, the Genie was carried operationally on the F-89 Scorpion, F-101B Voodoo, and the F-106 Delta Dart. While the Genie was originally intended to be carried by the F-104 Starfighter using a unique 'trapeze' launching rail, the project never proceeded beyond the testing phase. Operational use of the Genie was discontinued in 1988 with the retirement of the F-106 Delta Dart.


The F-106 Delta Dart has 6 different paints available, including the default.

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Decal Support Image
Factory Gray Default


Yes Paint-factory-gray-swatch.png
Boxin' Gator




No Paint-boxin-gator-swatch.png




Yes Paint-boneyard-swatch.png




Yes Paint-striker-swatch.png




Crimson Raider




Yes Paint-crimson-raider-swatch.png