Guides Center

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The Guides Center acts as a meta-guide on the wiki, offering a central hub for accessing a variety of guides. It provides organized pathways for learning, curated guide links, and a helpful FAQ section to address common player questions. By recommending a sequential reading order to comprehend different game aspects with increasing complexity, the Guides Center facilitates a streamlined experience, providing structured learning on various game elements.

Available guides

The following is a selection of guides sorted in a recommended order optimal for learning progression. This structured approach allows users to start with basic concepts and gradually delve into more advanced topics.

  • Getting Started: The Getting Started Guide provides essential information for beginners, covering fundamental aspects of the game including game controls, HUD elements, and basic mechanics.
  • Basic Guide: The Basics Guide explains the key concepts of the game. From understanding how to progress to knowing the basic rules of engagements the basic guide covers the most essential knowledge about the game.
  • Advanced Guide: Geared towards players who have mastered the basics, this guide delves into more complex aspects of the game. It offers detailed explanations of advanced features like Special Abilities and Plane Mods, essential for progressing further. Additionally, it uncovers lesser-known details and provides advanced combat strategies to gain an edge in battles.


The following section provides concise explanations for queries frequently encountered within the community, covering topics that may not require dedicated guides but are still relevant to players.

How to use Doubler-icon.png token doublers?

Doubler-icon.png token doublers are used automatically at the end of a match. As the name implies they double Season-points-icon.png season tokens received at the end of a match for a win or a loss. Doubler-icon.png token doublers do not apply to Season-points-icon.png season tokens acquired for playing in a party or completing missions.

How to get Squadron-event-token-icon.png 200 squadron event tokens in the squadron event?

To achieve all Squadron-event-token-icon.png 200 squadron event tokens during the squadron event, it is required to play with at least a fellow squadron member each day for all four days of the event. A maximum of Squadron-event-token-icon.png 50 squadron event tokens can be obtained per day. If Squadron-event-token-icon.png 50 squadron event tokens cannot be achieved in a single day, they will not be obtainable later, resulting in a maximum amount of tokens less than Squadron-event-token-icon.png 200 squadron event tokens by the end of the event. A won battle gives 25 points. A loss 10 points.

Why are Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens not obtained at the end of a match?

If Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens are not obtained at the end of a match, check if they are available for the current day. Only 50 Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens can be obtained each day, and the count resets at 12 UTC worldwide.

How to acquire
Aircraft-shard-icon.pngaircraft credits

There are several ways to acquire

Aircraft-shard-icon.pngaircraft credits
. They can be bought using
, earned through the flight pass and obtained for each pilot level unlocked. Occasionally, a small amount of
Aircraft-shard-icon.pngaircraft credits
can be found as a free gift in the shop offers.