Style Guide

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This guide serves as a comprehensive reference for all editors, providing essential guidelines to maintain consistency and cohesion throughout the wiki's content. Additionally, this guide contains valuable information about templates, game data, and other elements that can streamline the writing process.

General guidelines

  • Before making any edits, please ensure to read the entire page thoroughly. Editors often include notes, tips, and trivia items that may duplicate information already present in the article's paragraphs above. Avoid redundancy by reviewing the existing content carefully before adding additional information.
  • When editing an article, remember to maintain focus on its specific topic. Avoid adding information that is unrelated to the article's subject.
  • Use the English language. Content written in any other language will be removed by other editors.
  • Avoid using contracted forms (such as "don't," "there's" – use "do not," "there is" instead). However, terms specific to the game are exceptions to this rule.
  • Maintain a neutral and "encyclopedia" tone throughout the wiki. This means avoiding biased language, personal opinions, or promotional content. Aim for objectivity and impartiality by presenting information in a factual manner, supported by evidence and reliable sources whenever available.
    • Avoid the use of first or second person perspectives. Do not address to the reader as "you". Quotes, whether from a specific person, or within the game itself, are exempt from this rule.
    • Stick to factual information and avoid including opinions or personal bias. This means refraining from subjective comments and from making absolute statements; instead, utilize statements supported by game data. For instance, avoid writing "this is the worst weapon in the game," and opt for "this is the weapon with the lowest damage in the game" if that is objectively true and backed by game data.
    • Avoid leaving visible comments that are not intended for every reader, such as requests for assistance or verification.
    • Avoid leaving placeholders; it is preferred to leave a section of the page empty until the content is ready for publication. Make sure that all content is completed before publishing the page.
  • Names should be capitalized as they appear in the game. However, when a game name is presented in all caps lock, it may be considered an exception to this rule.
  • Whenever possible, utilize the same terms and phrases as those found in the game.

Formatting guidelines

  • The first instance of an entity name on a page should always be linked. This rule does not apply to the entity that the page is about. Further mentions of the same entity should not be linked. Links added by templates are an exception to this rule.
  • The first instance of the page title should be bold. This should usually be in the first sentence of the article. No other instance of the page title should be bold.
  • The first instance of a specific name should be written in bold if it directly relates to the section/subsection it is placed in. This rule may not apply if numerous specific entity names are present within a section/subsection.
  • Use italics instead of boldface when emphasis is needed.
  • Use italics when mentioning a specific word, or short string of words, foreign words and phrases that are not common in everyday English, and scientific names.
  • Avoid underlining, spacing within words, different colors within words and ALL CAPS.

Files and Licensing

The upload of files can be made here. Before uploading a file make sure to follow these rules:

  • Check if the file is already available by visiting this page. Duplicate files will be removed unless a valid reason is provided.
  • Only upload files that fall under one of the available licenses. If necessary, provide appropriate attribution to the file's author. Files lacking a license or with an incorrect license will be removed.
  • By uploading a work created by you, you are declaring that you are releasing it under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may attribute the work to yourself accordingly, following the licensing rules.

The licenses available for uploaded files are:

All original content, including articles, images, and other materials produced for this wiki, is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Templates are reusable pieces of code that allow users to insert content or standardize the appearance of elements across multiple pages within a wiki. They can be customized with specific parameters or values. Templates can include text, images, links, and even more complex functionality.

How to use templates

To use a template on a wiki page, its name needs to be wrapped in double curly braces


wherever the template's content should be placed. If available, values can be passed as template parameters by specifying them within the curly braces separated by the pipe


character, like so:



Available templates

A complete list of all templates is available here.
Some templates are not meant to be used directly; instead, their purpose is to simplify and reuse code in other templates.

Simple templates

The following is a list of templates that are intended to be used by editors:
Icons it provides most of the game icons Heat-seeking icon.pngwith different sizes Heat-seeking icon.png
Game example: Waypoint-icon-control-point-a.png control point, Gamemode-icons-death-match.png Team Deathmatch, Experience-icon.png 100 experience
Mods example: Disruptive-flares.png disruptive flares, Ideal-maneuvering.png ideal maneuvering, Ideal-maneuvering-crafted.png ideal maneuvering, Ideal-maneuvering-token.png ideal maneuvering token
SpecialAbilities example: Gun-cooling-icon.png Gun Cooling, Area-jamming-icon.png Area Jamming, Special A-6 crafted.png Area Jamming, Special A-6 blueprint.png Area Jamming Blueprint

Currencies example:




Weapons used to create elements like Radar icon.png radar missile or Cannon precision external icon.png Cannon precision icon.png 600 rounds external precision cannon
Loadout example: Flares icon.png flares, Fuel tank icon.png +7s reserve fuel
Traits example: Trait-cool-engines.png cool engines, Trait-stealth.png stealth
Crates example: Squadron Crate.png Squadron Crate
Ranks example: Rank-recruit.png recruit, League-master-1.png master 1

Rarities example:




Username to add a username with a specific color for each wiki role

New Pilot


New Pilot


New Pilot

Paints to add a paint swatch
ContentBreak to add a breaking content separator
Quote to add a quote with a source
Collapsible text to create a clickable text button that show/hide some text below
Image to add an image from the files list
ImageGallery to add a scrollable image gallery
Video to embed a video in a page

Additional templates

Below is a list of complex templates that not only display information but also store data in the Cargo extension.
PlanesInfobox to add an infobox about a plane. This is required in every plane page. Follow this example page.
Cannons/CargoStore to add a row in the cannons table. This is required in a plane page if that specific plane has cannons. Follow this example page.
Missiles/CargoStore to add a row in the missiles table. This is required in a plane page if that specific plane has missiles. Follow this example page.
Rockets/CargoStore to add a row in the rockets table. This is required in a plane page if that specific plane has rockets. Follow this example page.

Game Data

Game data is managed using the Cargo extension, which allows for the insertion of specific data only once and then accessing it through queries. This streamlines future updates and reduces the likelihood of errors.

How to add game data

Data like planes, cannons, missiles and rockets details are inserted in the specific Aircraft page relative to that item using the Template:PlanesInfobox, Template:Cannons/CargoStore, Template:Missiles/CargoStore and Template:Rockets/CargoStore.

How to use game data

It is generally advised not to include this data directly in the text when writing about something, but rather to leave detailed information for tables and other templates. When editing a page, focus on discussing other relevant aspects without delving into specifics. For instance, instead of stating The F-5 has 100 hitpoints, it is preferable to provide a more general and pertinent statement like: The F-5 is a light fighter and therefore has few hitpoints. While it is generally discouraged to include specific data about an item, it is tolerated in cases where the data is expected to remain unchanged in the future. However, if value that may change in the future is absolutely required, it can be retrieved from Cargo tables using a query like the following example:

The F-5 Tiger has {{#cargo_query:tables=Planes|fields=Planes.hitpoints|"{{PAGENAME}}"}} hitpoints.

Available tables

Available Cargo tables can be found here.