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Metalstorm features four distinct Maps, each offering unique environments and challenges for players to navigate and exploit during aerial combat. Some maps are characterized by intricate geographical features that creates the opportunity for intense close-quarters dogfights while others feature mainly large, open spaces where pilots can engage enemies from a distance. Additionally some maps offer variations, introducing changes in the time of day and weather conditions. These variations add an extra layer of immersion and challenge, altering the dynamics of aerial combat.

Crimson Canyon

A deep canyon with imposing geographical features. Crimson Canyon provides players with an intense dogfighting experience with big features and rugged terrain. The narrow passages and high canyon walls create dynamic combat scenarios, testing pilots' maneuvering skills to the limit.


A snow-themed landscape with icy features. Icebound is characterized by its icy waters. Pilots will encounter large ice formations protruding from the water, adding an additional layer of complexity to aerial battles. The snowy landscape offers ample cover for strategic maneuvers and surprise attacks.


A volcanic region with a prominent central volcano. Crucible features a vast volcanic landscape dominated by a massive central volcano. Pilots can fly inside the volcano, navigating its intricate tunnels and passages for tactical advantages. Apart from the volcano, the map offers relatively low geographical features, with large open spaces ideal for long range air fights.


A rocky coastal area with towering cliffs and open waters. Stormbreak presents pilots with a challenging environment characterized by towering cliffs and numerous rock features. The map includes intricate tunnels carved into the rocks, providing opportunities for surprise attacks and tactical maneuvers. Despite the rugged terrain, Stormbreak also features expansive open spaces, allowing for some long range air fights.