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In Metalstorm, every aircraft comes equipped with at least one of the available weapons, typically having two or three options for combat engagement. These weapons are categorized into three primary types: cannons, missiles, and rockets. Each category presents distinct advantages, requiring knowledge and skill to maximize their effectiveness in dealing significant damage to adversaries.

Types of Weapons

  • Cannons: Cannons are weapons that use projectiles and are particularly effective in close-range combat situations. With their high rate of fire, cannons are typically most effective for tearing through enemy aircraft during dogfights.
  • Missiles: Missiles are guided projectiles capable of tracking and homing in on enemy aircraft and they are usually the best option for long ranges engagements. While they deliver high damage per shot, their limited supply requires careful use by players. Additionally, adversaries can disrupt missiles with countermeasures like flares or by taking cover behind terrain, demanding strategic use for maximum effectiveness. Different types of missiles are available, varying in factors like range and tracking style, providing diverse options for players to choose from.
  • Rockets: Rockets are unguided, high-explosive projectiles typically launched from rocket pods mounted on aircraft wings. While they excel at delivering significant damage quickly, they demand skill to be effective due to their relatively slow travel time and lack of guidance.