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Events are available for a limited time and typically require players to complete specific tasks or objectives to earn rewards. There are currently two different types of Events: the Squadron Event and the Black Market Event.

Squadron Event

The Squadron Event occurs weekly, starting from Thursday and lasting for four days until Sunday. During the event, players need to fly with at least one other member of their squadron to earn Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens. At the end of the event, the entire squadron receives a Squadron Event Crate containing rewards based on the total number of Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens collected by squadron members.
The table below displays the number of Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens needed to unlock the next tier of Squadron Event Crate. It is important to note that the token quantity represents progression toward the next tier, not the total quantity required to reach that specific tier. A squadron must have 27/30 pilots achieve 200/200 tokens to receive Crate Tier 20.

Crate Tier Required Tokens Total Tokens
1 0 0
2 75 75
3 130 205
4 165 370
5 190 560
6 215 775
7 235 1010
255 1265
9 270 1535
10 285 1820
11 300 2120
12 315 2435
13² 330 2765
14 340 3105
15 355 3460
16 365 3825
17³ 375 4200
18 390 4590
19 400 4990
20 410 5400


  • ¹ The maximum amount of points achievable for Day 1 is 1500/5400 Tokens. This token amount places the squadron partially thorough the Tier 8 Crate.
  • ² The maximum amount of points achievable for Day 2 is 3000/5400 Tokens. This token amount places the squadron partially thorough the Tier 13 Crate.
  • ³ The maximum amount of points achievable for Day 3 is 4500/5400 Tokens. This token amount places the squadron partially thorough the Tier 17 Crate.
  • A squadron must have 27/30 pilots achieve 200/200 tokens to receive a Tier 20 Crate.

Black Market Event

The Black Market Event is less frequent and occurs approximately every month or two, replacing the Squadron Event for the week it occurs. The Black Market Event introduces new aircraft to the game, and players must complete tasks to earn rewards. Unlike the Squadron Event, rewards in the Black Market Event depend solely on the individual player's performance. Some tasks may require players to collaborate with others, but they do not necessarily need to be in the same squadron.

During the Black Market Event, players can obtain discounts up to a maximum of 50% discount of the plane

cost based on their performance in the event. Early access aircraft introduced during the Black Market Event are initially priced at

, gradually decreasing by

every 4 weeks until it reaches the standard cost of

after 17 weeks from the event's start, indicating the end of the early access period for the plane.

Black market event pricing.jpg

Aircraft introduced during Black Market Event

Aircraft Introduction Date End of Early Access
Su-25 Frogfoot 22 May 2024 11 September 2024
Jaguar GR3 10 April 2024 31 July 2024
Mirage F1 29 February 2024 20 June 2024 (ended)
Su-22 Fitter 1 February 2024 23 May 2024 (ended)