Mirage F1

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Mirage F1
Mirage F1.png
General Info
RoleLight Fighter
Hangar level8
Base Stats
Top speed1400 km/h
Acceleration55 m/s²
Turn rate38 °/s
Ideal turning speed612 km/h
Afterburner fuel12 s

Powerful cannons and medium-range missiles that can be re-targeted mid-flight turn this nimble Light Fighter into a surprising and deadly killer.

— In-game description

The Mirage F1 is a light fighter introduced into service in 1973. Its light weight manufacturing provides exceptional speeds, good agility. Its strong cannons and far reaching hunter missiles produce devastating damage. The Mirage F1 thrives in low-altitude terrain, where its small size and surprisingly nimble handling provide a distinct advantage over its adversaries. Its powerful afterburner is very resposive and provides strong acceleration. Pilots skilled to handle the Mirage F1 strong afterburner, weapons, and high agility will find the aircraft to be advantageous in dog fights.


The Mirage F1 is equipped with short range Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×2 heat-seeking missile, re-targetable Missile medium range icon.png Hunter icon.png ×2 hunter missile, and a very powerful Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon. The Mirage F1 is also equipped with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 242 0.9 1.1 0 very low 5.2 none

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.5 2 80 3240 15 7 1.3
Hunter icon.png Hunter missile Medium range 7.0 2 95 4680 15 7 0.6

Special Ability

The Mirage F1 has a special ability called Special escape artist crafted.png Escape Artist. When activated, it provides a boost of speed and breaks the ability of an opponents guns to auto lock to the aircraft. There is a cool down period between uses.

Veteran tips

The Mirage F1 is great performer. It has strong weapons, afterburner, and agility. The hunter missiles are unique to the Mirage F1. They lock and fire similarly to the manually guided, medium range missiles. The lock reticle must be held on the target aircraft. The missile tracking is exceptionally accurate and agile. It is hard for an opponent to break hunter missile lock. If the opponent should go behind terrain or is shot down, the lock reticle can be moved by the pilot to another target aircraft, and the hunter missile will re-target to another aircraft. This allows the pilot to "not waste" a missile. The Escape Artist special ability is challenging to master. It can be a curse or a blessing depending on how it is used. When equipped and charged, there will be a cone shape on the radar, behind the aircraft. Should an opponent position their aircraft within that cone, the Escape Artist can be triggered. This applies a supercharged afterbuner, identical to the Mig-21 Fishbed Super Afterburner, and at the same time, the chasing opponent will not be able to achieve a cannon lock. The curse in this is, as long as an opponent is actively chasing the Mirage F1, the Mirage F1 pilot will have no control of the Mirage F1 thrust or braking while Escape Artist is triggered. Escape Artist will fire the supercharged afterbuner indefinitely, until the Mirage F1 has escaped from the opposing aircraft. If triggered in terrain, the Mirage F1 can achieve spectacular crashes. The blessing in this is, Mirage F1 can actively "aim" the Escape Artist cone at an opponent or a group of opponents, trigger, and maintain the supercharged afterbuner through a series of intense maneuvers. Activating the Escape Artist supercharged afterbuner, does not deplete fuel from the regular afterburner while it is triggered. The Mirage F1 is a fun aircraft to fly in dog fights. It provides more fun when mastered.


In-game, the Mirage F1 appears to be equipped with a pair of French manufactured Matra R.530 medium to short range air-to-air missile, and a pair of R.550 MAGIC (Missile Auto-Guidé Interception et Combat) short-range air-to-air missile designed in 1965 by French company Matra to compete with the American AIM-9 Sidewinder. In real life, the Mirage F1 was designed as a fighter and attack aircraft by Dassault Aviation. It was developed as a successor to the Mirage III family. The Mirage F1 is currently still in use by the Congolese Air Force, Gabonese Air Force, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, and Royal Moroccan Air Force. Examples of the airframe are currently in private/Non-military ownership by, Paramount Aerospace Systems of South Africa, Draken International of United States, and Textron; a subsidiary Airborne Tactical Advantage Company of United States.


The Mirage Mirage F1 has 3 different paints available, including the default..

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Decal Support Image
Haze Gray Default










Yes Paint-crimson-raider-swatch.png