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In Metalstorm, you have so-called Squadrons to build your team of pilots. A squadron is similar to clans that you may find in other games. There is a maximum of 30 members in a squadron. You can team up with squadron members or players in your friends list, with a maximum of 5.

Members in the squadron can have roles:

  • Owner - Only assignable to one person
  • Admin - An admin can kick members, accept members and change general settings in the squadron
  • Elder - This role is just for cosmetic purposes, it does not have any elevated rights
  • Member - A normal member of the squadron, default role for every new member

Squadron Benefits

The benefits of being in a squadron are:

  • by flying with a squadron member (and/or friends) an extra Season-points-icon.png 200 season tokens can be earned per day.
  • being able to participate in the Squadron Event, in which the whole squadron earns crates depending on how many points the squadron as a whole earned.
  • it is easier to find someone to team up with and fly some matches.
  • it is easier to help each other to give and to receive tips.
  • to get to know each other and becoming friends while flying, in the hangar or, for active squadrons, in the squadron Discord server where sometimes voice is also used.

Solo flyers gain no benefit from joining a squadron, and it is not recommended for them to do so.

Finding A Squadron

Find a squadron by accessing the Squadron screen Squadron-icon.png squadron via the main screen. Random recommended squadrons that are not full are shown. Select one, read the squadron information, join or send a join request if it is a fit. It is also possible to search for a particular squadron by entering (a part of) their name in the search bar and hitting Search. Another option, is using the not in-game option of looking for or asking for a squadron to join on the Metalstorm Discord server. Be aware that there are several squadrons willing to pick up ANY pilot, there are some that have expectations and minimal requirements, and then a few that require some additional things other than trophies.