Game Modes

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Game modes

Metalstrom has the following game modes:

  • Gamemode-icons-death-match.png Team Deathmatch
  • Gamemode-icons-control-points.png Air Superiority
  • Gamemode-icons-elimination.png Elimination
  • Gamemode-icons-vip-deathmatch.png VIP Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch and Air Superiority are included in the rotation system. The rotation system switches game mode and/or Map every half hour. Progress and points are only made by playing matches in the rotation system. All game modes are available as a custom match. Custom matches are used for practice and tournaments. Tournaments are not necessarily held or supported by Starform.

Gamemode-icons-death-match.png Team Deathmatch

The objective of Team Deathmatch is to either get 20 kills before the other team does or to get the most kills in 5 minutes 30 seconds, whichever occurs first. Do note that any death counts as a kill, whether a player is shot down or for example crashes into terrain. If it is a draw at 5m30s the match goes into Overtime, Sudden Death mode. Which means whichever team gets the next kill wins.
Trophy-icon.png trophies are gained or lost when a match is won or lost. How many depends on the amount of trophies the plane that was used has got and which position was obtained on the match scoreboard. The position is determined by how many points were earned during the battle. See the table below for an overview of the obtainable points. Regardless of the match outcome, the player who achieves the top position (Most Valued Player) receives an additional 3 trophies, while the second-place player earns 2 trophies, and the third-place player earns 1 trophy.

Gamemode-icons-control-points.png Air Superiority

In Air Superiority there are three Control Points: Waypoint-icon-control-point-a.png control point, Waypoint-icon-control-point-b.png control point, Waypoint-icon-control-point-c.png control point. When a team captures two Control Points, the team earn 1 point per second. Capturing all three earns two points per second. A Control Point is captured by flying and remains controlled by a team until an enemy aircraft captures it. The first to get 200 points wins. Unlike Team Deathmatch, it does not matter how many kills a team got.
Trophy-icon.png trophies are gained and lost just like in Team Deathmatch.

Gamemode-icons-elimination.png Elimination

Elimination is exactly that, shoot down all enemy planes until there are none left. There are no respawns. The winning team is the one that wins 2 out of 3 rounds.
No Trophy-icon.png trophies are earned or lost and no progress is made in any event by playing Elimination.

Gamemode-icons-vip-deathmatch.png VIP Deathmatch

This mode closely resembles Team Deathmatch with one key difference: each team randomly selects one pilot as the VIP. Shooting down the VIP or being the VIP and shooting down an opponent's plane yields more points than a normal kill. The objective is to excel as a wingman and protect your team's VIP. The VIP is easily identifiable on the mini-map and in the skies.
No Trophy-icon.png trophies are earned or lost and no progress is made in any event by playing VIP Deathmatch.

Scoring Points

In a match, players should try to obtain the Most Valuable Player status to optimize their Trophy-icon.png trophies income, or at least mitigate losses in case of defeat. Points are awarded for various achievements such as earning Medals, defeating or assisting in enemy aircraft kill and progressing towards the objective in some game modes like Air Superiority. Points that are assigned to players that do not correspond to a specific medal are:

Points Requirement
100 Kill an enemy aircraft
50 Assist in an enemy aircraft kill

Achieving a kill requires dealing the final blow to destroy an enemy aircraft, regardless of the amount of damage inflicted. All other contributors to the destruction receive an assist. If a pilot intentionally crashes their aircraft after sustaining damage, it counts as a kill; otherwise, it counts as a death.