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Crates in the Flight Pass and the Shop

Below is a summary of the potential rewards available in crates from both the flight pass and the shop.

Crate Size Silver Aircraft Parts Mod Materials Single Mod Token Different Mod Tokens Multiple of Single Mod Token Multiple of Different Mod Token Special Ability Blueprint
Tiny Crate.png Tiny Crate 180 55 5 0% 0% 0% 0% 1%
Medium Crate.png Medium Crate 540 165 15 Random at 15% Random at 15% Random at 15% 0% 3 x 1%
Huge Crate.png Huge Crate 1800 550 50 Random at 15% Random at 15% Random at 15% Random at 15% 10 x 1%
  • Silver-icon.pngsilver
    , Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts, are fixed values. These values will drop at 100% probability.
  • Scraps-icon.png mod materials will drop at the following probabilities:
    • Tiny Crate, 100%.
    • Medium Crate, 100%.
    • Huge Crate, 100%.
  • Mod-token.png mod token(s) will drop at the following probabilities:
    • Tiny Crate, 0%.
    • Medium Crate, 15%.
    • Huge Crate, 15%.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 8 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint will drop.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 16 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Scraps-icon.png mod materials or Mod-token.png mod token(s) will drop.
  • If the pilot does not have any aircraft that need Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts, any Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts received will automatically be converted into Silver at the ratio of 2×
    per single Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts.

Squadron Event Crate

The table below provides a summary of potential rewards available in the Squadron Event crate, categorized by the crate tier achieved.

Crate Tier Silver Mod Materials Token Doublers Aircraft Parts
1 1220 5 Random (multiple of 50) 68
2 1440 10 Random (multiple of 50) 136
3 1660 15 Random (multiple of 50) 204
4 1880 20 Random (multiple of 50) 272
5 2100 25 Random (multiple of 50) 340
6 2320 30 Random (multiple of 50) 408
7 2540 35 Random (multiple of 50) 476
8 2760 40 Random (multiple of 50) 544
9 2980 45 Random (multiple of 50) 612
10 3200 50 Random (multiple of 50) 680
11 3420 55 Random (multiple of 50) 748
12 3640 60 Random (multiple of 50) 816
13 3860 65 Random (multiple of 50) 884
14 4080 70 Random (multiple of 50) 952
15 4300 75 Random (multiple of 50) 1020
16 4520 80 Random (multiple of 50) 1088
17 4740 85 Random (multiple of 50) 1156
18 4960 90 Random (multiple of 50) 1224
19 5180 95 Random (multiple of 50) 1292
20 5400 100 Random (multiple of 50) 1360
  • If the pilot achieves 150/200 Squadron-event-token-icon.png squadron event tokens, the pilot will earn a bonus of


    . The table above assumes that the pilot has achieved 150/200 tokens. Subtract


    if under Squadron-event-token-icon.png 150 squadron event tokens.
  • Silver-icon.pngsilver
    and Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts are fixed values. These values will drop at 100% probability.
  • The dispersion rate of Scraps-icon.png mod materials fixed.
  • The total amount of Doubler-icon.png token doublers is randomized and increases in increments of 50, such as 0, 50, 100, or 150.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 8 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint will drop.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 16 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Scraps-icon.png mod materials or Mod-token.png mod token(s) will drop.
  • There is a 1% chance, per crate level to receive an Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint. So, for example, a level 10 crates provides 10 separate 1% chances to get an Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint.
  • If the pilot does not have any aircraft that need Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts, any Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts received with automatically be converted into Silver at the ratio of 2×
    per single Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts.
  • In order to reach a tier 20 crate, a squadron must accumulate Squadron-event-token-icon.png 5400 squadron event tokens. With a complete squadron of 30 members, this represents 90% of the total achievable tokens, which is Squadron-event-token-icon.png 200 squadron event tokens for each of the 30 members, totaling Squadron-event-token-icon.png 6000 squadron event tokens.

Black Market Event Crate

The table below provides a summary of potential rewards available in the Black Market Event crate, categorized by the crate tier level achieved. Assume that values are maximum amounts achievable by crate tier level.

Crate Level Silver Mod Materials Token Doublers Aircraft Parts
1 270 5 5 70
2 540 10 10 140
3 810 15 15 210
4 1080 20 20 280
5 1350 25 25 350
6 1620 30 30 420
7 1890 35 35 490
8 2160 40 40 560
9 2430 45 45 630
10 2700 50 50 770
11 2970 55 55 770
12 3240 60 60 840
13 3510 65 65 910
14 3780 70 70 980
15 4050 75 75 1050
16 4320 80 80 1120
17 4590 85 85 1190
18 4860 90 90 1260
19 5130 95 95 1330
20 5400 100 100 1400
21 5670 105 105 1470
22 5940 110 110 1540
23 6210 115 115 1610
24 6480 120 120 1680
25 6750 125 125 1750
26 7020 130 130 1820
27 7290 135 135 1890
28 7560 140 140 1960
29 7830 145 145 2030
30 8100 150 150 2100
  • Silver-icon.pngsilver
    and Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts are fixed values. These values will drop at 100% probability.
  • The dispersion rate of Scraps-icon.png mod materials and Doubler-icon.png token doublers are fixed values.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 8 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint will drop.
  • If the pilot does not have a Level 16 or higher Aircraft in Hangar, no Scraps-icon.png mod materials or Mod-token.png mod token(s) will drop.
  • There is a 1% chance, per crate level, to receive a Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint. So a level 10 crate provides 10 separate 1% chances to get a Special-ability-blueprint.png Ability Blueprint.
  • If the pilot does not have any aircraft that need Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts, any Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts received with automatically be converted into Silver at the ratio of 2×
    per single Aircraft-parts-icon.png aircraft parts.