Getting Started

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This section provides essential information for beginners, covering fundamental aspects of the game including game controls, HUD elements, and basic mechanics.

The Main Screen

The Main Screen is where pilots 'land' after opening up the Metalstorm game. This is also the place where you are taken after completing a match.

Main screen guide.jpg

The table below gives a short description of each element of the Main Screen.

# Description
1 Pilot name and Squadron-icon.png squadron name. On the left there is the Pilot Icon, while on the right there is the Pilot Banner. Access the pilot profile via the Pilot Icon or Pilot Banner
2 Available Doubler-icon.png token doublers
3 Available
4 Available
5 Available
Ace-coin-icon.pngace coins
6 Notifications count
7 Menu
8 Current or future events information
9 Access to the Shop-homescreen-icon.png Shop, where you can trade your Currencies and access bi-daily deals
10 Access to the Hangar-homescreen-icon.png Hangar, where you can see and manage all the aircraft
11 Indicator if missions are available for the current game mode
12 The remaining daily Experience-icon.png experience bonus. This multiplies the amount of XP earned for a loss or a win
13 Current game mode and map. It also gives access to the Custom Matches menu
14 Start a match. While in a Party-icon.png party READY is shown instead. While searching for a match CANCEL is shown to cancel the match search
15 Players in the Party. Invite Squadron-icon.png squadron members and friends to join your party and get in a match together. Use the Party-tray-button-leave.png button to leave the party. The Party-tray-button-chat.png opens the chat with party members. The Party-member-ready-icon.png icon indicates that a party member is ready to start the match while the Party-member-offline-icon.png icon indicats that the party member is offline
16 The Party-owner-icon.png icon indicates the party leader. Your icon is indicated by a thick white line
17 Access to the Flight Pass, current flight pass level and unclaimed rewards
18 Available daily free Season-points-icon.png season tokens which are used when match is lost or won. They are used to progress in the Flight Pass
19 Access to the Friends-homescreen-icon.png Friends menu
20 Access to the Squadron-homescreen-icon.png Squadrons menu
21 Access to Pilot Rank information
22 Access to PVP Season
23 Indicates if the selected plane meets missions or event requirements
24 Aircraft type
25 Aircraft name
26 Plane-level-icon.png aircraft level of the selected aircraft
27 The amount of Trophy-icon.png trophies the selected aircraft has
28 Highest Trophy-level-icon.png trophy level achieved for the selected aircraft

Starting a match

To start a match press the PLAY icon. After a brief time to search for a valid lobby the match will start. While in a party with other players be careful to check for warnings before starting a match. Coordinate with other players on the strategy to use and which aircraft to use. Try to choose aircraft with similar Plane-level-icon.png aircraft level and Trophy-level-icon.png trophy level to the other party members to avoid ending up in unfair matches.

Game controls

Metalstorm supports 4 types of game control.

  • Virtual Joystick
  • Tilt Controls
  • Cursor Aiming
  • Keybord & mouse / Joysticks / Gamepads

Each one has it's pros and cons. Try them all, but do that in Custom matches to avoid losing matches while experimenting. To select a game control, select SETTINGS in the Menu. [Insert screenshot of General tab in Settings] If Keyboard & mouse or gamepad are connected, an extra tab is available in settings. Here the default bindings to keys and buttons can be changed.


The Heads-Up Display shows vital information needed to successfully engage the enemy. It is also where mobile users control their flight, select and fire their weapons. The image below may differ depending on the device being used and the chosen Settings.

Basic hud guide.jpg

In fight:

  • Radar
  • Scoreboard
  • Speed indicator
  • Ideal turn speed indicator
  • Fuel gauge
  • Active weapon
  • Guns
  • Alternative weapon (if the aircraft is equipped with it)
  • Ability (if the aircraft is equipped with it)
  • Virtual joystick (if chosen in the settings)
  • Speed control (if needed for the chosen control mode)
  • Cursor aimer (if chosen in the settings)
  • Missile lock ring


The radar shows where friendly and enemy aircraft are as well as missiles that are in flight. It also shows the range of an A-6's radar jamming ability once it's been activated. Important game mode aspects are visible (ammo pickup Waypoint-icon-ammo-pickup.png, repair pickup Waypoint-icon-repair-pickup.png and control points Waypoint-icon-control-point-a.png Waypoint-icon-control-point-b.png Waypoint-icon-control-point-c.png). Always keep an eye on the radar. Other than the visual view it is the most important thing to check. Be aware of what is happening. The friendly team is always blue, the enemy team is always red. These colours can be changed in the settings. The radar has a limited range. Tap on it to see the whole map. Tap again to set it back to small. The radar scale can be changed during the match. On mobile use two fingers on the radar to change the scale. The scale will be reset to the default scale after the match.


On the left-hand side of the scorebord the silhouette of the aircrafts used by the blue team are shown. If a silhouette is dark, then that aircraft is respawning. Next to the silhouettes is the score. Likewise for the red team on the right-hand side. Between the is the remaining match-time for TDM, Elimination and VIP Deathmatch or the captured controle points for Air Superiority. Elimination also shows how many matches have been won. The scoreboard gives access to the detailed scoreboard. The same one that is shown at the end of a match.

Basic mechanics

Combat hud guide.jpg
  • Cannon lead reticle
  • Missile lock indicator
  • Missile target
  • Incoming missile