Su-22 Fitter

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Su-22 Fitter
Su-22 Fitter.png
General Info
Hangar level6
TraitsTrait-armor-plating.png armor plating
Trait-swing-wing.png swing wing
Base Stats
Top speed1148 km/h
Acceleration40 m/s²
Turn rate32 °/s
Ideal turning speed648 km/h
Afterburner fuel18 s

A tough, versatile Attack plane with powerful close-range weapons and plenty of armor, and with its wings back it has pretty good speed and acceleration.

— In-game description

The Su-22 Fitter is an attack aircraft that was introduced into service in August 1966. While lacking in speed its rugged construction gives the Su-22 exceptional durability. Armed with a powerful close-range armament of internal cannons, a high capacity load out of rockets, and four fast-to-lock short range missiles, the Su-22 is capable of impressive damage at close range attacks. With its special swing wings folded, the Su-22 can accelerate quickly. With four weapons systems and sluggish maneuverability, the Su-22 can be challenging to fly. Pilots skilled to master its close range weapons can find the Su-22 deadly in dog fights and head-on attacks. With its wings folded, it can maintain speed to be effective in Air Superiority.


The Su-22 Fitter is equipped with short range Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×4 heat-seeking missile, Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon, and Rockets high capacity icon.png Unguided icon.png ×128 light rockets. The Su-22 Fitter also comes with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 141 0.9 1.1 0 very low 4.8 medium
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 288 0.2 0.4 0 medium 4.8 none

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.1 4 60 3240 15 10 0.8
Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Blast Radius


Rate of Fire


Unguided icon.png Light rocket 1.5 128 20 3420 7 14.0

Special Ability

The Su-22 Fitter has a special ability called Special Su-22 crafted.png Rear-Facing Gun Pods which gives the aircraft a pair of rear-facing, Cannon precision external icon.png Cannon precision icon.png external precision cannon. When equipped and activated, these cannons automatically aim and fire at nearby enemies in a narrow cone behind the aircraft. There is a cool down period between uses.

Veteran tips

The Su-22 Fitter is a very durable plane capable of surviving multiple direct hits from an opponent, and is most effective at close-in attacks. With four weapons systems and special swing wing trait, it can be challenging to master. Its weapons are strong, but they have some trade-offs. The forward facing cannons have a long range, strong damage and medium armor piercing ammunition. This comes at the cost a wide round spread and slower firing speed which diminishes firing accuracy. With the largest capacity in the skies of 128 rockets, the rockets are capable of firing at high rate. This comes at the cost of a wide spread, lesser damage, and lesser blast radius. The four short range, heat-seeking missiles are fast to lock, and have a wide reticle angle. This comes at the cost of shorter ranges, and lesser damage. The special Rear-Facing Gun Pod cannons have impressive damage, however they are only useful against an opponent on the Su-22s tail. It is suggested to keep all attacks close range to maximize effectiveness. Maneuverability is sluggish. The afterburners have a longer burn time, however they are not strong enough to maintain an optimal turn speed with the wings extended outward. It is suggested that the pilot master continual folding and extending of the swing wings. Fold the wings and fire the afterburner to gain a quick burst of acceleration and speed. Extend the wings to start dog fighting maneuvers. Disengage the dog fight as soon as possible. Fold the wings, accelerate, regain airspeed and energy. Avoid continual circling or maneuvers in a dog fight. The aircraft can stall. Between the four weapons systems and the swing wings there are a lot of impute variables that have their own strengths and weaknesses. With that being said, the Su-22 Fitter performs balanced in dog fights and Air Superiority. The Su-22 Fitter performs best on shorter maps and in terrain, where the pilot can exploit the balance of the aircrafts strengths and weaknesses.


In-game, the Su-22 Fitter special Rear Facing Gun Pods appear to be modeled after the Russian SPPU-22-01 gun pod. In real life, the “aircraft mobile gun installation,” or Samoletnaya Podvizhnaya Pushechnuaya Ustanovka SPPU-22-01 is a twin-barreled 23mm GSh-23 cannon pod, with 250 rounds of ammunition. The barrels are mounted on an articulated mechanism that angles them up to 30° downwards. The onboard flight computer ensures that the cannons would continue to track a target as the aircraft maneuvers. The angle of the cannon was predetermined prior to mission and could not be changed in flight. Mounted forward facing SPPU-22-01 gun pod allowed the the aircraft to remain level at low altitude while still being able to strafe ground targets. When mounted rear facing, the cannons may be used to suppress ground targets as the aircraft flies away. Entering service in 1971, the SPPU-22 was most commonly used on the Su-17/Su-22 Fitter. They were also equipped to the Su-25 Frogfoot and MiG-23 Flogger and MiG-27 Flogger. In the (Alpha) Pre-Beta version of the game, the Su-22 was modeled as the Su-17 variant.


The Su-22 Fitter has three different paints available, including the default paint.

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Image
Haze Gray Default


20th Guard Fighter Bomber Regiment




Purple Reign



