Su-25 Frogfoot

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Su-25 Frogfoot
Su-25 Frogfoot.png
General Info
Hangar level9
TraitsTrait-armor-plating.png armor plating
Trait-cool-engines.png cool engines
Base Stats
Top speed950 km/h
Acceleration30 m/s²
Turn rate36 °/s
Ideal turning speed540 km/h
Afterburner fuel30 s

A slow-but-agile Attack plane, with a powerful cannon, six light heat-seekers, and four rockets that can destroy most light fighters from up to 6km away.

— In-game description

The Su-25 Frogfoot is an attack aircraft first introduced into service in July 1981. While lacking in speed its rugged construction gives the Su-25 exceptional durability. Armed with a powerful close-range armament of and internal cannon, a high capacity load out of six, fast-to-lock short range missiles, and four, heavy rockets with a large blast radius, the Su-25 is capable of impressive damage at close range and medium range attacks. Despite its sluggish pace, the Su-25 thrives in low-altitude terrain, where its small turn radius and surprisingly nimble handling provide a distinct advantage over its adversaries. Pilots skilled in terrain-hugging tactics can exploit its unique capabilities to evade enemy detection and prove to be a formidable dog fighter.


The Su-25 Frogfoot comes with an Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon equipped with medium armor piercing ammo, a high amount of short ranged Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×6 heat-seeking missile and Rockets-heavy.png Unguided icon.png ×4 heavy rockets. The Su-25 Frogfoot is also equipped with Flares icon.png ×5 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 282 0.7 1.2 0 very low 4.6 medium

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.1 6 60 3240 15 7 0.8
Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Blast Radius


Rate of Fire


Unguided icon.png Heavy rocket 6.0 4 120 8100 20 1.2

Special Ability

The Su-25 Frogfoot has a special ability called Special fire everything crafted.png Fire Everything. When activated it instantly launches all remaining missiles. The missiles are launched without lock, and will attempt to lock onto valid targets while in flight. This special ability has a cooldown of 80s.

Veteran tips

The Su-25 Frogfoot is a very durable plane capable of surviving multiple direct hits from an opponent while inflicting devastating damage in return. Its cannons have an impressive reach and damage. Medium armor piercing rounds are quick to fire with no spin up time. Low cannon round spread adds to its accuracy. When fired individually, its six short range heat-seeking missiles perform nearly identically to the Russian short range offerings. They are fast to lock and fire. This comes at the cost of mediocre tracking, and low damage. If equipped and ready, the special ability Fire Everything will fire all remaining missiles simultaneously. This is even without a missile lock. The missiles will find a target after they are fired. This is within reason. The the special ability Fire Everything can be triggered at any time, as long as the missile weapon system is selected. The further the distance to the enemy aircraft, the less the chance the missiles will achieve a lock. It is suggested to launch the missiles no sooner than when the missile reticle starts to lock. This will insure some accuracy. Triggering Fire Everything while having achieved a reticle lock nearly always guarantees a one-shot kill if all six missiles are fired. The rockets have heavy damage, have extremely fast traveling speed, have a large blast proximity radius, and have an extremely far reaching target reticle. The rocket reticle will show before the Su-25 pilot can see an enemy aircraft on radar or in the skies. Although tempting to fire rockets at this distance, it is suggested that the pilot be disciplined and launch rockets at medium to close ranges in order to maximize effectiveness. The rockets have fast enough flying speed and large enough blast proximity radius, that skilled shots can hit opponents moving fast, side to side and maneuvering. The afterburners are sluggish. The overall top speed is low. If put into a steep climb, the afterburners are not enough to keep the Su-25 from stalling. With a low ideal turn speed, the afterburners are adequate to maintain that ideal turn speed, and provide for some impressive agility. It is suggested to be cautious of the wide wings in terrain. Terrain strikes are common, and the afterburner is not powerful enough to recover from a stall. With powerful weapons, great durability, armor plating, and cool burning engines that provide protection from enemy heat seeking missiles, the Su-25 is a formidable dog fighter. Due to low top speed performance, it is recommended to avoid air superiority.


In-game, the Su-25 Frogfoot appears to be equipped with the Russian Molniay R-60 a short-range lightweight infrared homing air-to-air missile. It also appears to be equipped with KB Tochmash S-25-OFM (225mm) aerial rocket launched from O-25L launch tubes.


The Su-25 Frogfoot has four different paints available, including the default.

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Image
Factory Gray Default


299th Tactical




200th Tactical






