A-4 Skyhawk

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A-4 Skyhawk
A-4 Skyhawk.png
General Info
Hangar level5
TraitsTrait-armor-plating.png armor plating
Trait-cool-engines.png cool engines
Base Stats
Top speed1148 km/h
Acceleration40 m/s²
Turn rate34 °/s
Ideal turning speed756 km/h
Afterburner fuel24 s

The classic light Attack plane of the early 60s. Although a little slow, it is a surprisingly tough and nimble gunfighter.

— In-game description

The A-4 Skyhawk is an attack aircraft that was introduced into service in October 1956. While lacking in speed its rugged construction gives the A-4 exceptional durability and resilience, allowing it to withstand enemy fire and deliver devastating strikes. Armed with a powerful close-range armament of internal and external cannons and a pair of short range missiles, the A-4 is capable of chipping away durability of the toughest of opponents. Despite its sluggish pace, the A-4 thrives in low-altitude terrain, where its small turn radius and surprisingly nimble handling provide a distinct advantage over its adversaries. Pilots skilled in terrain-hugging tactics can exploit its unique capabilities to evade enemy detection and deliver harassing damage to opponents.


The A-4 Skyhawk is equipped with short range Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×2 heat-seeking missile, Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon, and Cannon assault external icon.png Cannon precision icon.png 600 rounds external assault cannon. The A-4 Skyhawk also comes with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 42 0.9 1.1 0 very low 5.1 none
Cannon assault icon.png Assault cannon 154 0.5 0.9 0.3 very low 600 none

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.8 2 75 3240 15 7 1.3

Special Ability

The A-4 Skyhawk has a special ability called Special gun cooling crafted.png Gun Cooling which instantly removes all the heat from (internal) cannons and reduces the overheating rate by 50% for a short period of time. This ability has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Veteran tips

The A-4 Skyhawk is a very durable plane capable of surviving multiple direct hits from an opponent while inflicting damage in return. Although it is equipped with five cannons that fire simultaneously, the combined damage is not impressive. It is suggested to avoid head on firing scenarios against opponents as the A-4 pilot is more likely to receive more damage than inflict damage upon those opponents. Limit the cannon fire scenarios to firing upon an opponents tail. The external cannons have only 600 rounds between the three of them. The external cannons will not overheat. The internal cannons can overheat and stop firing. The internal produce so little damage, the pilot will most likely not notice they are no longer firing. The special ability Gun Cooling only affects the internal cannons. Due to the low performance of the internal cannons, it suggested to not spend resources on the special ability for the A-4. The A-4 is equipped with only two, average performing short range missiles. The majority of the battle fighting from the A-4 will come from the cannons. This limits the A-4's effectiveness. The A-4 Skyhawk has quick roll speed, but still less than desirable agility. This combined with a weak afterburner, the A-4 cannot maintain optimal turning speed for too long, and will have to disengage from a dog fight to regain energy and speed. The afterburner has a long burn time, however the A-4 is capable of slower air speeds. It is suggested to limit the A-4 Skyhawk to dog fighting on short maps, where it does not need to travel far, at a reasonable speed.


In-game, the A-4 Skyhawk "Dambusters" paint appears to be loosely modeled after the US Navy Attack Squadron 195 (VA-195) Douglas A4D-5 (A-4E) Skyhawk. Although a wonderful representation of VA-195 livery, airframe Registration/Serial 150058 was in service with the Marine Attack Squadron 322 (VMA-322). Registration/Serial 150058 is currently on display (demilitarized), painted in the US Navy's Blue Angels livery, aboard the USS Wisconsin (BB-64) in Norfolk, Virginia USA.


The A-4 Skyhawk has four different paints available, including the default paint, and Beta exclusive

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Image
Factory Gray Beta Exclusive


Dambusters Default






Black Knight



