Mirage M.III

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Mirage M.III
Mirage M.III.png
General Info
RoleLight Fighter
Hangar level4
TraitsTrait-cruising-altitude.png cruising altitude
Trait-delta-wing.png delta wing
Base Stats
Top speed1350 km/h
Acceleration50 m/s²
Turn rate34 °/s
Ideal turning speed576 km/h
Afterburner fuel13 s

An agile, delta-wing Light Fighter from the 1960s. Two of its four missiles are medium-range, and it has a pair of hard-hitting cannons.

— In-game description

The Mirage M.III is a light fighter from the 1960s era. While lacking in durability, its light weight manufacturing provides exceptional speeds, good agility. Strong cannons and far reaching mid-range radar guided missiles more than compensate for its shortcomings. A mix of short and medium range missiles extend its mission envelope to include close in dog fighting, point defense, and interception. Armed with a very powerful internal precision cannons the Mirage M.III is capable of unleashing painful damage upon enemy targets. The Mirage M.III thrives in both low-altitude terrain, where its small size and surprisingly nimble handling provide a distinct advantage over its adversaries, and also at its special higher cruising altitude where its already powerful engine, becomes more efficient and provides more speed with less fuel consumption. Pilots skilled to handle the Mirage M.III's speed an energy can exploit boom-and-zoom tactics, while still relying on good agility close-in.


The Mirage M.III is equipped with short range Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×2 heat-seeking missile, longer than average reaching mid-range Missile medium range icon.png Manual icon.png ×2 manual missile, and a very powerful internal Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon. The Mirage M.III is also equipped with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 242 0.9 1.1 0 very low 4.1 none

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.5 2 80 3240 15 7 1.3
Manual icon.png Manual missile Medium range 7.5 2 95 4680 15 7 0.8

Special Ability

The Mirage M.III has a special ability called Special MIII crafted.png Rocket Booster. When activated, it temporarily provides a massive increase of top speed and acceleration over a 4 second duration. When used by itself, it does not consume fuel. However, it can be used in conjunction with the afterburner for further speed boost. You only have 3 uses of the Rocket Booster per life.

Veteran tips

For being placed in a low hangar level, the Mirage M.III is great performer. It has strong weapons, speed, and agility. The Mirage M.III flies fast and stays fast. Mind your optimal turning speed indicator. The Mirage M.III may become too fast for tight turning. The delta-wing trait allows it to turn sharply while braking. Do not brake too long, as the Mirage M.III can stall. The Rocket Booster speed provides an advantage in Air Superiority matches, and will provide a quick boost of speed to get itself out of trouble. In limited situations, the Rocket Booster can be used to chase a high altitude opponent. Be mindful, the Mirage M.III has low durability and the missile lock time is a little slow.


In real life, Mirage M.III B and C variant were provisioned and equipped with actual Rocket Boosters for interception roles. In fall of 1982, a SR-71 Blackbird, returning to England from a sortie over Lebanon, was intercepted by a French Mirage M.III. The Mirage M.III pilot flew off the SR-71s left wing. The Mirage M.III pilot radioed the SR-71 to relay its Diplomatic Clearance Code. In SR-71 pilot's Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr's words; "We made it almost across, when I looked out the left window and saw a French Mirage III sitting ten feet off my left wing. He came up on our frequency and asked us for our Diplomatic Clearance Number. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him to stand by. I ask my backseater, who said, “Don’t worry about it. I just gave it to him.” [What he had given him was “the bird” with his middle finger] I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel."


The Mirage M.III has 8 different paints available, including the default, and Beta Exclusive.

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Decal Support Image
Factory Gray Beta Exclusive


Yes Paint-factory-gray-swatch.png
Bare Metal Default


Yes Paint-bare-metal-swatch.png
2/3 Champagne




No Paint-2-3-champagne-swatch.png




Yes Paint-boneyard-swatch.png




Delta Blue




Yes Paint-delta-blue-swatch.png
Red Charger




Yes Paint-red-charger-swatch.png
Crimson Raider




Yes Paint-crimson-raider-swatch.png