Patch Notes July 2 2024

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Latest update going live July 2, 2024 11:00 AM. No client download required for update 🥳

Black Market Update

We’ve been hard at work on multiple fronts here at Starform, and we know a lot of you have been asking about the next Black Market event. Currently, there will not be a plane entering the Black Market in July. Instead our engineering team has been hard at work for several major initiatives that we cannot wait to share. As you may have seen with last Friday’s big announcement, we’re full steam ahead!

New Content

Wings of Freedom Flight Pass: Our latest flight pass goes live July 6, 2024 12:00 PM. Check out the attached image for a look at some of the rewards you can earn!

General Updates

New Profile UI Element: “Total Trophies” has now been replaced with your highest trophy plane.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue with the MiG-19 HUD and pylons.
  • Fixed an issue with Su30 + Su-35 smoke trails.
  • Fixed a map exploit in Crimson Canyon.

Client Error:

  • We have a fix in to mitigate some of the client errors users have been reporting while loading into matches.


  • Fixed an issue with Faster Flares showing the incorrect value at level 2.
    • 44% > 45%. This was already working at the correct value under the hood, but the text was off.

Wings of freedom preview.png