Su-27 Flanker

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Su-27 Flanker
Su-27 Flanker.png
General Info
RoleHeavy Fighter
Hangar level13
Base Stats
Top speed1400 km/h
Acceleration40 m/s²
Turn rate35 °/s
Ideal turning speed846 km/h
Afterburner fuel15 s

A legendary Heavy Fighter from the 1980s, with a good balance of short and medium range missiles.

— In-game description

The Su-27 Flanker is a medium fighter first introduced into service in June 1985. It is equipped with a mix of short and medium range missiles. Its internal precision cannon is equipped with medium armor piercing ammunition, provides added damage to opponents. Its durability, engine performance, and agility are evenly balanced. The afterburners have a long operating duration. Easy to master, the Su-27 Flanker is deadly in the hands of a novice pilot and a veteran pilot.


The Su-27 Flanker is equipped with short range Missile short range icon.png Heat-seeking icon.png ×4 heat-seeking missile, long reaching mid-range Missile medium range icon.png Manual icon.png ×4 manual missile, and Cannon precision internal icon.png Cannon precision icon.png internal precision cannon with armor piercing ammunition. The Su-27 Flanker is also equipped with Flares icon.png ×4 flares.

Type Max Damage


Ideal Range


Reticle Range


Spin-up Time


Spread Overheat Time


Ammo Armor Piercing
Cannon precision icon.png Precision cannon 170 0.9 1.1 0 very low 4.6 medium

Guidance Range Type Range


Quantity Damage Speed


Turn Rate


Lock Angle


Lock Time


Heat-seeking icon.png Heat-seeking missile Short range 2.8 4 75 3240 15 7 1.3
Manual icon.png Manual missile Medium range 7.5 2 85 4680 15 5 1.0

Special Ability

The Su-27 Flanker has a special ability called Special damage control crafted.png Damage Control. When equipped and triggered, it will recharge the durability, incrementally. It has 3 uses per life, and there is a cool down period between uses.

Veteran tips

The Su-27 Flanker is a well balanced airframe. Both its short-range and medium-range missiles have longer lock distances and good lock time. With 8 total missiles with the nearly the same lock time, it is easy to build a missile firing rhythm when attacking opponents. Its internal precision cannon has longer range and medium armor piercing ammo. Armor piercing ammo can deal increased damage against opposing armored attack aircraft. Its afterburner is lower in performance, however it compensates with an impressive 15 seconds of burn time. It has the perfect amount of afterburner performance to maintain its optimal turning speed. With 8 missiles in the loadout and the ability to regenerate durability by triggering the special ability, a pilot can stay in the fight longer without having to find a re-arm or health ring. Being a heavy fighter, it has better durability from the start. The special ability allows the pilot to maintain that durability within the battle. Easy to fly, and over all great weapons performance, the Su-27 Flanker is deadly in the hands of both a novice pilot and a veteran pilot. It is a great performer in dog fights and Air Superiority where its fuel load is advantageous.


In real-life, the Su-27 Flanker was intended as a direct competitor for the large American fourth-generation jet fighters such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. The Su-27 was designed for air superiority missions, with the MiG-29 Fulcrum as its complement. The Su-27 entered service with the Soviet Air Forces in 1985. The primary role was long range air defense against American bombers, protecting the Soviet coast from aircraft carriers and flying long range fighter escort for Soviet heavy bombers. The Su-27 Flanker was developed into a family of aircraft; these include the Su-30 Strike Flanker, a two-seat, dual-role fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions, and the Su-33 Sea Flanker, a naval fleet defense interceptor for use from aircraft carriers. Further versions include the side-by-side two-seat Su-34 Fullback, a strike/fighter-bomber variant, and and the Su-35 Super Flanker improved air superiority and multi-role fighter.


The Su-27 Flanker has 5 different paints available, including the default.

Name Unlock requirement Rarity Image
Factory Gray Default






831st Tactical Aviation Brigade




Crimson Raider







