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What Trophies Are

Trophies are points that are awarded at the end of matches. You will gain trophies upon winning a match, and lose them upon losing a match. Unlike currencies, you cannot spend your trophies on anything. Instead, they are used to determine your PvP Rank and are also used in matchmaking to determine which teams and players will be matched up together. Trophies are tracked in two places: on the aircraft that they were earned and lost on, and as a sum total the pilot has across all their aircraft. The trophies on individual aircraft are used in matchmaking, while the sum total trophies a pilot has is used to determine their PvP Rank.

How Trophies are Gained and Lost

At the end of each match a pilot will gain trophies for a victory and lose trophies for a loss. The number of trophies gained or lost depends on how many trophies the aircraft has when entering the match. If a pilot earns MVP, 2nd place, or 3rd place in a match they will also be awarded bonus trophies, and when pilots are matched against a team with considerably more trophies than their own they will be awarded three trophies for being the underdog, regardless of victory or defeat.

Trophy Gains and Losses Table

Below is a summary of trophy gains and losses per match.

Trophy Amount Defeat Victory MVP 2nd Place 3rd Place Underdog
0-400 -4 +8 +4 +3 +1 +3
401-500 -5 +8 +4 +3 +1 +3
501-600 -6 +8 +4 +3 +1 +3
601-700 -7 +8 +4 +3 +1 +3
701-800 -8 +8 +4 +3 +1 +3
801-900 -10 +7 +4 +3 +1 +3
901-1000 -10 +6 +3 +2 +1 +3
1001-1100 -10 +5 +3 +2 +1 +3
1101-1199 -12 +4 +2 +2 +1 +3
1200+ -12 +3 +2 +1 +1 +3

Trophy Rank

Trophy rank is a number shown in the Trophy-level-icon.png icon in the hanger for that aircraft. It is also visible on a pilot’s profile. Trophy rank represents the highest total number of trophies gained on an aircraft. Each trophy rank rewards some Ace Coins. Since trophy ranks are shown on the pilot's profile it also showcases a pilot's personal record high trophy count for a plane. Below is a table of the trophy requirements for each trophy rank.

Trophy Rank Trophies Required
1 0
2 15
3 25
4 35
5 50
6 80
7 120
8 160
9 200
10 250
11 300
12 350
13 400
14 450
15 500
16 550
17 600
18 650
19 700
20 750
21 800
22 850
23 900
24 950
25 1000
26 1050
27 1100
28 1150
29 1200
30 1250+

Trophies lost at the end of PvP season

At the end of each PvP season any aircraft that has more than 600 Trophies will lose up to 50 of them and the pilot will be rewarded with 50 Ace Tokens for each aircraft that qualifies. Aircraft above 1200 Trophies will be reset down to 1150 Trophies, regardless of how many they had, and the pilot is awarded a scaling amount of Ace Tokens for each aircraft that qualifies up to a maximum of 100 Ace Tokens.

Squadron Trophy Requirements

A pilot’s total trophies can also be important when applying to join a squadron. Squadrons have the option to set minimum trophy requirements for pilots to apply to join. In order to join these squadrons a pilot will need to have at least the number of trophies that the squadron has set as their minimum in order for them to have the option to send a request to join. It is up to the individual squadron leaders to decide what the minimum trophy count is, if any. Once a pilot is in a squadron they will not be automatically removed from that squadron, even if they fall below the minimum trophies that squadron has set. Removal from a squadron would be done manually by a squadron's Owner or Admin.